Vetting in the Charity sector – with Jennifer Kelly

‘Vetting, where do you start, really?’ In a conve…

Vetting in the Charity sector – with Jennifer Kelly

‘Vetting, where do you start, really?’ In a conve…

Podcast - Omdia transformation programme

‘Vetting, where do you start, really?’ In a conversation between Jennifer Kelly, Head of Safeguarding at The Prince’s Trust, Genevieve Cox, and Andrew McGrath, from Clarasys, this podcast explains what vetting means in the context of the charity sector and how The Prince’s Trust have been implementing a new system for vetting checks for volunteers and staff at the Trust.

The first half of this podcast looks at vetting, the process ensuring that suitable workers and volunteers are employed, based on the relevant needs and vulnerabilities of those who they will be working with. It discusses the various complexities involved in the vetting process, (such as consideration of the requirements behind necessitating a check; organisation size and staff turn-over; regularity of checks; UK, European, and global differences in offering; vetting application to charities.) and how to make such a tricky and ‘messy’ procedure ‘robust’ whilst appearing ‘slick’ to its users.

After this initial delve into defining vetting, with all its complexities, Clarasys and Jennifer discuss the ‘old process’ of vetting at The Prince’s Trust before moving to look at how Clarasys helped in the implementation and roll-out of the new vetting process for the Trust. Whilst The Prince’s Trust would use ‘excel spreadsheets’, manually upload vast amounts of confidential information, and use three different systems and providers, their aim was to turn this into an automated, streamlined, simple, yet tailored process. The second half of this podcast looks at how Clarasys approached this challenge faced by the Trust, concluding with a review of the newly-implemented system.

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