Case Study

Waste stream mapping for RSPCA

Waste stream mapping for RSPCA

Designing [ circular ] recommendations for improved resource and waste management.

This project looked at understanding the way that resources are used and waste is managed across the RSPCA. This was done to reduce the environmental impact of RSPCA’s operations and identify opportunities for cost reduction or revenue generation from changing the way the RSPCA handles waste.

In both an environmental and commercial challenge, organisations use vast resources and generate waste. They often struggle to understand its sources and the opportunities they have for improvement. Clarasys uncovered opportunities to streamline resources used, and waste produced, to reduce environmental impact, make sensible business-driven cost-savings and potentially generate revenue from waste. Clarasys and RSPCA collaborated to look at a subset of processes at RSPCA such as donor recruitment, management operations, and animal centre procedures, to see where there were opportunities to be more circular.

Clarasys employed a people-centric approach utilising user scenarios to understand waste and inform a set of core recommendations. Clarasys conducted 34 interviews, 3 site visits and a survey across the RSPCA to learn about processes managed by HQ, centres and branches. Clarasys worked with process owners to gather all contracts possible and quantified the waste generated for the scenarios we investigated.
The project was carried out over a 6 week period and actionable recommendations were delivered to key stakeholders.

  • Evidence for a streamlined, single view of supporter journey to reduce the amount of physical comms (currently 4m paper donor items produced p.a.)
  • ~£140,000 could have been saved if a one device policy existed (circa 20% cost saving on the annual budget)
  • Detailed recommendations list for RSPCA to take forward as part of ‘waste improvement programme’
  • ‘Quick wins’ for departments to implement short term improvements
  • Celebrating responsible employees and areas where the RSPCA is already doing brilliantly in waste reduction and sustainability.

RSPCA will establish an ongoing approach to waste management that enables easy tracking and improvement of waste.

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