Customer Experience in a Circular Economy

Entwining your customer experience and circular initiatives is essential. Here’s why…


Customer Experience in a Circular Economy

Entwining your customer experience and circular initiatives is essential. Here’s why…

For the past year, Clarasys and the University of Exeter’s Centre for Circular Economy have been committed to getting under the skin of the issues and complexities around engaging customers in the Circular Economy. As such, we embarked on a piece of research to understand more.

Outputs of research

Our report explores extensive detail of our research findings.

Creating Customer Experiences in a Circular Economy Toolkit

Our toolkit will help you design your circular business model with customers at the centre.


Our brochure, based on a literature review, highlights some starting considerations to help you rethink your customer journeys.

We had seen many circular initiatives launch without success and we wanted to get to the root of the problem. With pressure on firms to become more sustainable, from investors through to customers, the need for a shift towards the Circular Economy is unambiguous. However, how can companies ensure that this new world is one that works for their customers whilst allowing their businesses to thrive, all whilst working to safeguard the planet?

It is our belief that, unless the customer is at front of mind in the design of circular products, the likelihood of them taking on the necessary new behaviours, roles, and relationships towards products and producers is low.

We have engaged with leading organisations in the food and beverage, consumer goods, and retail sectors to gain a wide understanding of the challenges faced. As such, we have been able to gain a huge amount of insight and create tools and thinking that we feel will help organisations navigate their way through this complex landscape.

We hope you will find them useful.

Our customer experience circular economy experts

Sam Maguire

Sustainability Lead

Loïc Le Fouest

CX Lead

Harriet Shelton

Principal Consultant

Jacob Brockmann
